Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's Time For A Little Harmless International FUN!!!!

My next post decides on who actually visits my blog and comments AND FOLLOWS it!!!

I want to know...

What is the SEXIEST song/video from your country or that you have seen from a NON-ENGLISH VIDEO???

Submit the vids in your comments here!!!  Any songs in English will be deleted!!!  Any songs from American artists will be deleted!  Porn will be deleted AND reported to local authorities of the poster, UNLESS, that footage is TAGGED as in-appropriate for younger viewers, and is considered an art-form by my Artistic Design Placement Team AND will also pass United States of America FCC and Internet laws without just cause!!!

Sorry...  Just HAD to state the TOTAL RULES!!!  But for now, have fun finding sexy-azz vids!!!  I look forward to all of your submissions!!!  :D


Now...  GO!!!!!!!!!!!!

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