Thursday, January 29, 2015

A Recent Memory...

I thought the Chinese Olympic Opening Ceremonies could NEVER be beat!!!  BUT, the Russian Winter Games Opening Ceremonies gave this!!!

I was WAYYYY more than WOWed!!!  I am so proud of my Non-Americans!!!!  :D

Monday, January 26, 2015

Step into the light???  SCREW THAT!!!

I'm STILL trying to decide how to exactly execute the new format of this blog, so please bear with me as I mostly post older songs/vids, while I consider the ideas of making each post about: A certain year, the current year, 1 specific country from the current year, 1 specific country through history...  There's SO many things to think about as to how I post in the future on this blog...  I just want you ALL to know!!!  That I'm an American, and HATE my own American pop music...  The rest of the world seems to have a great hold what pop music should sound like at it agrees with me!

And so, let the showcase continue!!!

Germany has had a Super-trooper of a Rockstar with Pudhys!!!  One of the best versions of the song came when Jurgen Drews remade the song LIVE WITH Pudhys!!!

HEY - Wir woll'n die Eisbärn sehn...

And SO!!!  ...  (that was AWESOME!!!)  *girly giggle*  (I'm NOT a girl!)  ;)

Here we go with another really awesome song with an even better video from a few years ago!!!

I'm sure France will NEVER forget Ilone Mitrecey and her songs with vids that only ADD more to them!!!  So here she is, with, Un Monde Parfait!!!

Ilona Mitrecey - Un Monde Parfait

A great sound always come from the singer of a number of Anime Series'!!!  One of the best is from the Chobits series!!!  Here she is!!!  Rie Tanaka with the full song that was the ending song for most of the series...  Ningyo Hime!!!

Rie Tanaka - Ningyo Hime

Taking a SUDDEN change of MOOD!!!

The "songs" on this guy's main album, really wasn't memorable...  BUT!!!  He had a hidden cd in the PHYSICAL copy of his cd!!!  This song which actually doesn't have a name, just a number, from a cd that only the *vip* people would buy, would understand and be able to hear!!!  This is actually the BEST rap from the CD!!!

O.S.T.R. - The rap to end all ostr raps...

Sorry to cut this post short, but another "something" has come up, and I need to concentrate on that for the time being...  I love you ALL who actually LOOK at my blog AND actually SEE the vids that I post!!!  I WILL be back to continue on with MUCH MORE non-English language tunes that should be in the "american Grammy AWARDS"!!!  Good night everyone!!!  *MWAH!*

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Hooray For New Beginnings!!!

This blog once operated under a completely different plan, that plan didn't seem to workout as well as intended  as the task was VERY tedious in keeping up with all of the current non-English language top hits from around the world and finding the best sites that keep the best up to date records as well as making sure which songs re-entered after being absent for a few years.  And thus, one country's sample could take up to two days to make sure everything was the NEWEST hits to showcase.
I have 900 hits, but not a single follower from all of these years of operating this showcase blog.  And so, rather than making it such a deadline oriented playlist, I've decided to just look around and keep my ears open, for whatever songs catch me and hold my interest and keep me coming back for more!  Old or new, it doesn't matter to me, I'm just going to be posting the catchiest songs from around the world!!!  Let's have some fun and kick back and listen to stuff that most Americans, Brits and Aussies won't have a clue as to what the lyrics are!!!

So to kick of this new era of my showcase, I'm going to just post a few of my all-time favorites from all these years!

It only makes sense to begin (once again) with the song/video that started it all way back in the day!!!  From Russia, with love, of course!  It's Fabrika!  Three lovely ladies who brought such great talent to Fabrika Zvedz week after week!  Unfortunately, Sati Casanova has since left the group, but the memories still hang in from those glory days! So without further ado, here is Fabrika with 5 Minut!!!

Through time there has always been those singers that can only be described as SEXY!!!  Mylene Farmer of France is no exception!  Even if she wasn't completely attractive, her voice still would make me want to jump in the sack with her!  ;)  Ok, not so professional of me, but c'mon now!!!  She DRIPS with ALL kinds of appeal!  This song will definitely make anyone agree!  From her Bleu Noir CD, here's Mylene Farmer with Diabolique Mon Ange!!!

Right next door comes Germany, and they have had many rocker bands that have made their ways into my life and the lives of every German speaking person around the world!  Some might be catchy, some might just go all out, while there's some that will still just live the rock n roll!  And then!  There's those that define rock in the most modest way!  A sound that immediately caught my eye and ear!  Here is Tomte with Ich Sang Die Ganze Zeit Von Dir!!!

Of course, there's not just Europe in the world.  Let's hit Puerto Rico in the Caribbean!  Fidel Nadal has been entertaining his island as well a lot of the crossover genres of latin and African international with his reggae sound!  This timeless hit will of course, stay heard through history!  Here's Fiel Nadal feat. Nesta with their duo hit, Todo Vuelve Su A Lugar!!!

While in "Latin" America, another sound has had a lasting effect on me!  From Argentina, there came the sound of Vicentico!!!  Now with quite a few hits under their belt, this song is the one that made me notice them FINALLY!!!

Vicentico - Ya No Te Quiero

And so we head back over to the other side of the world again and tackle Asia!!!

Quite the sexy area of the world!  It seems sex is EVERYTHING there!  Sexy uniforms for every duty possible that a woman could have!  Men in perfectly fitted suits EVERYWHERE!!!  And of course, the "underground"!!!  And thus one of the best K-Pop groups to date has come from South Korea!!!  An energetic sound with a LOT of "swag"!!!  Who could resist?!!!

So here we go! Opening up Asia with KARA from South Korea with Lupin!!!

Also in The East there was the best and worst....  2008.  The Olympics was coming to China in a world-wide experience that would take the world by STORM!!!  That year, the Summer Games were held in China!!!  First time for everything!!!  They made it MORE than worth it!!!  It was the MOST PHENOMENAL OPENING CEREMONY, EVER!!!  :)  

However, in the same year, China was struck by the WORST inland earthquake, in HISTORY!!!  The "Sichuan" Earthquake destroyed a LOT more than anyone could ever believe!!!  But!  the Chinese still shook it off and the day after, the LEGENDARY Xiao Ke, wrote a song and recorded and releases it with a couple of other top singers!!!